Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mommy Wars

I haven't had a chance to read Mommy Wars yet, but I was intrigued by the book review on Blogging Baby. The author, Leslie Morgan Steiner, is a writer and an executive with The Washington Post. Having seen the battles between working moms and stay-at-home moms, she wanted to provide an opportunity for women who had made each of these choices to talk about their decisions and the costs and benefits of each path.

In her review, Kristin Scott notes that the "women come from all walks: married, single, career-driven, adamant in their belief that staying at home is the best. But rather than warring, these women are simply explaining their own choices, their own path to motherhood and the rocky road following. There is only one commonality between all the essays: no choice is perfect, each decision has its sacrifices."

I was particularly interested in this excerpt Kirstin Scott quoted from one of the essays . . .
No wonder every woman who has made a different choice seems like an enemy. What if you are right? What if I am wrong? What if in working we are damaging our children by being absent and preoccupied? What if by staying home we are sacrificing our independence and our ability to financially take care of our children and hurting them in another way. And so we fight.
You can read her entire review here.


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