Drive by of the Day - September 16, 2006
Today's Drive By is from Flea at One Good Thing. In her post Tightass she writes about a neighbor who's a habitual drive by-er.
Here's an excerpt . . .
But the variations of the Mommy drive-bys are legion, and each one unforgettable in its own train-wreck way.
My neighbor, who Steve and I refer to as "Tightass," has the Mommy Drive-by elevated to an artform, and oh, there's so much material to work with! So many reasons behind each shitty comment!
First, there's the classic Working Mom/Stay-at-Home Mom battle, which is so tiresome and just stinks and I wish her clothes would burst into flame everytime she picks a fight with me about it. Seriously, I'm tired of it, y'all. I do not care if she stays at home with her kids. I. Do. Not. Care. However, she cares that I work. She cares very, very much.
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